lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

2°. Describe this animal.

It's got....

26 comentarios:

  1. This is a duck
    It's got beak and feathers it also has two wings.
    My name is Alejandro aged 7 de 2A

  2. El comentario de antes es Alejandro Arrabalí gracias

  3. It,s got wings.
    It,s got feathers.
    It,s got a beak.
    I,m Maya.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. It´s a duck.
    It has got feathers.
    It has got a beak.
    It has got two paws.
    It has got two wings.

    My name is María Martín Jiménez 2ºB

  6. This is a duck.
    It's got wings.
    It's got a beak.
    It's got feathers.
    It's got two legs.

    My name is Elena Bueno Cobos 2 A

  7. It's duck
    It has roto besk
    It's yellow
    It has got todo voings
    María José Muñoz Bueno 2 B

  8. It's got feathers.
    It's got two wings.
    It's got a beak.
    It's got two legs.
    It's got two eyes.
    It's a duck.
    It's a farm animal.

    My name is Adriana Calvo Burgos 2º A

  9. This is a duck.
    It's got wings.
    It's got feathers.
    It's got beak
    My name's Elsa Claros Fernandez. 2°A
    It's got bral.

    1. It's got ha escrito solo....Elsa....

    2. It's got wings.
      It's got beak.
      It's got tail.
      It's got feathers.
      My name's is Adriana muñoz campos. 2°B

  10. This is a duck
    It's got break and feathers It also has two wins
    Muy mame is Matías aged 8 de 2 A

  11. It's a duk
    It's got two wings
    It's got feathers
    It's got two legs
    It's got a beak
    My name is Inma Conejo 2ºA

  12. It's a duck.It's got two wings.It's feathers.It's hoy a break.
    My mame os Mireya Gonzalez 2°B

  13. This is a duck.
    It's got a beak .
    It's got a feathers.
    It's got a two wins.
    My name is Candela 2ºB

  14. It's a duck.
    It's got feathers.
    it's got wings.
    It's got a beaK.
    It's got two legs.
    My Name is Adriana Del Río Pėrez. 2A

  15. It's a duck.
    It's got wings.
    It's got a beak.
    It's got feathers.
    It's got tel legal.
    IT'S White.
    My mame is Alba Guerrero Báez 2B

  16. It,s a duck. It,s got wings. It,s got a beak.It,s got feathers .It,s got tel legal .It,S White
    It,s got tel legal
    Muy name is Blanca Urbaneja Rasores 2B

  17. It’s a duck.
    It’s got a beak.
    It’s got wings.
    And it’s white.

    My name is Andrea Domínguez Anego 2ºA

  18. My name is Daniela Aguilar Sarrias 2°A

    This is a duck
    Its got a beak
    Its got a feathers
    Its got a tail
    Its got a two legs
    Its got a wings

  19. This animal is a duck.
    It's got a beak and a tail.
    It's got feathers and two wins.
    It's got two legs and two eyes.
    It's a farm animal.
    My name is Ainhoa Montiel Benítez 2°B.
